Friday, September 09, 2005

Are we there yet?...

Well it's September now, hum...I'm sorry that I haven't posted the new G-LOK page I still need to work on it. I've been working on a new story using a very different technique. I'm not quite ready to post any more info about it but, I'm hopping around November I'll be able to give you guys some pics. That is provided "Hello" from Picasa is working (it's not currently) other wise I would have posted the really cool pics for the first live TWITcast. May be Nancy will be nice and post the pics on her blog...hummm.

I'll post more soon...


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

A small Hiatus...

I think I need a break from G-LOK.

I'm going to be spending some time on my other art and maybe even some music. I'll post pictures as I finish them. For those who know me and my "fairy" drawings you'll be pleasantly surprised.

As for G-LOK I plan to start up near the end of August. I'll post when the date nears.


Sunday, July 17, 2005

G-LOK page 12 is up finale...Sorry about that.

Well it's a week late but its up now.

Sorry I had to kinda had to skip a week. As you know I work in a bookstore so you know HP6 took over everything this past week. I'll try and be better about posting notes as to when the page will be up.

again sorry for the delay.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sorry sorry...:)

I'm sorry I didn't post today. G-LOK page 12 will be posted on Monday. Thanks for being hanging in there.


Saturday, July 02, 2005

G-LOK page 11 is up.

OK folks, page 11 is ready for viewing...


Saturday, June 25, 2005

G-LOK page 10 is up and ready.

Your Saturday morning cartoons are here...Ok I just wanted to say that.

G-LOK page 10 is up and ready...enjoy!


Sunday, June 19, 2005

Page 9 is up and ready!

G-LOK page nine is ready for viewing.


Friday, June 17, 2005

Page 9 will be out on Sunday...again...

It looks like Sunday is going to be the "day" for G-LOK. I will at some point try and move it back to Saturday morning (does anyone remember Saturday morning cartoons?).


Monday, June 13, 2005

Electronic Frontier Foundation

The EFF is helping to support bloggers so please help by supporting the EFF.


Sunday, June 12, 2005

Independent World Television (web?)

I just found this site. It looks like they may be working on getting an international news organization out onto the web...(video IP?).

Have a look.



As promised G-LOK page 8 is up and ready!

G-LOK page 8 is up and ready.


Saturday, June 11, 2005

Sorry Folks :(

I'’m not done with pg 8 of G-LOK. I'll be posting it tomorrow (Sunday June 12th). Again, I'’m sorry for inconvenience.

Please feel free to comment on this blog.


Friday, June 10, 2005


You can watch your stupid reality shows and news shows that lie and hide the truth some other time, this is more important!

Republicans and Democrats are the same thing and nether one has your “the average American citizen’s” or what I like to call the “Lowly 99’s” interest at heart. Doubt this; we couldn’t have become a police state without their help.

If you want your freedom back the only way you’re going to get it is to vote independent.

Vote Green
Vote Libertarian
Vote American Independent

2006 is just around the corner and we “the people” need to take congress back!

I know what some of you are saying…Republicans and Democrats have too much power (it helps that big business contributes to both parties). My answer to that is easy…


If you want real news go to the web. Plus the web levels the playing field and negates the huge money advantage those two fake parties have over the independents.

The choice is ours, we can choose to take our freedom back or we can choose to be treated and tagged (National ID Card and RF ID) like cattle.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

G-LOK Terminology 101

Welcome to the "G-LOK Terminology 101" class. I've created a page to help explain and reference the new terminology that you'll find in my online manga.

Idiosyncrasy and the history of the Man-Machine Interface. (this also references "force-data")

Blast from the Past...

I do claim to be a musician in my bio, well guess what...I found my old IUMA page. I don't know if the music can still be downloaded but if you want a sample of what I was doing in the mid to late 90's go and check it out.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

G-LOK page 7 is up!

G-LOK Page Seven is ready for viewing. Thanks to those who have provided feed back. I really appreciate it!


Saturday, May 28, 2005

G-LOK page 6 is up!

The new page of G-LOK is up and ready for viewing. As always your comments are welcomed.


Saturday, May 21, 2005

My G-LOK manga is up!

Hello all.

My manga (titled G-LOK) is up and ready to read. Please feel free to comment on it, you can post your comments on this blog. I’m going to update it about once a week and I eventually plan to pitch it to Wirepop so please give me some useful feedback.

Thanks and enjoy!

PS Thank you Nancy for getting my site up!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Nancy Has A Blog Now!

The love of my life has now entered the blogging world.

Check out her blog.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

When did big business start getting its ideas from the Mob?

Maybe it’s just me but have you noticed an egregious movement towards subscription down loads for music. Yahoo is opening an online music store which will allow you to pay for and down load music that you’ll never be able to fully own. Not only do you have to pay a subscription cost you’ll also need to purchase the actual music itself which can range in price. Let me say again, you will never fully own the rights to this music that you’ve paid for!

This reminds me of those movies where the thugs come to the old guy’s store and say “You need to pay us to keep your store from getting damaged.” What they don’t say is if the poor old guy doesn’t pay the thugs will be the ones doing the damage.

What the consumer needs right now is a music store that sells you the music without charging a subscription fee and then allows you own the right to it FOREVER!

Right now I only know of a few sites that are actually taking the honest path.

Apples itunes
MusicMatch’s store through Dell
Wal Mart (as much as I loathe their other business practices)

Here’s a question. What happens if that business goes OUT OF BUSINESS, are the consumers who have to pay this monthly extortion bill just “SOL”?

How about another question? Does the Artist receive any portion of the subscription fees? If they don’t than I really think ASCAP should get involved.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Join the twits!

If you're a fan of the old Screen Savers, than check out this site. This is the future of the Web!

This Week In Tech

Thursday, May 05, 2005

This one is kinda funny...

Nancy found this blog using the Firefox browser and an extension called Stumble Upon . It's really funning and kind of gross, but funny-gross...oh just read it!

The Sneeze

Oh by the way Firefox rules!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Water on the Window. Copyright 2005 please do not use without permission.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Finger in chili and death to the corporation!!! ahgahghhah!

I think it’s remarkable that a lone individual intentionally or unintentionally brought a corporation to it knees and it’s an amazing feat. Now I have nothing personal against Wendy’s, I eat there all the time. I’ve been to one restaurant so many times the Manager knows what I’m ordering before I even open my mouth but, I think its hilarious that one individual was able to do so much damage. It also gives me hope that some day we humans (the lowly 99%) will be able to take back our society from those greedy bastards that run/ruin everything.

Five things the cable/satellite companies would need to do to make me want to subscribe to their medium again.

1. Eliminate commercials. Ya I know every time we mention it the corporations whine and complain that commercials are how they keep the prices so cheap, if you want to call having to pay somewhere between $32, or in the case of wanting that one History International channel $53, a month cheap. Let me just throw this on the table, cheap is a mater of perspective. For me cheap is about $12 a month. Although I’d be willing to pay a little extra to keep the commercials out. So how about $15 a month. Sounds fair to me…

2. Brake up the News Agencies so that they aren’t all owned by one person (Mr. Rupert Murdock) and then eliminate the ratings system. Do they still teach you in school that monopolies are a bad thing?

3. When signing up for cable give the consumer a choice of what channels they want (channel by channel). That way they can unsubscribe to a bunch of useless (mostly sports) channels we don’t need.

4. No more reality television! Please!

5. Create more educational programming.

Actually I probably wouldn’t subscribe to cable television even in the unlikely event that they catered to my demands. The reality is I’m more productive with my time without the boob tube running 24/7.

Top Five Things you can do after unplugging:

1. Read a Book. Reading increases your attention span, memory and vocabulary. Its win, win, win.

2. Communicating with your partner/family. How long has it been since you’ve done that? really.

3. Go to the Park. You may not know it but we have parks in most major cities.

4. More time for video games. Ya I know this doesn’t fit in with my liberal tendencies but its fun anyway.

5 . Internet. Wow, a medium that allows you to communicate with others, get your news, entertains you (games, music, queue movies though NetFlix) and has less intrusive advertising thanks to good popup blockers,…it also makes you read!

Top five Reasons to give up cable/satellite TV:

1. Commercials. Probably what I hate the most (and I don’t think I’m alone in this category). With all the commercials you have to watch the cable company should be paying YOU to watch TV.

2. Poor News coverage. It’s mostly propaganda and totally sensationalized. If you doubt this statement just watch the Michael Jackson case. You’ll see what I mean.

3. Too many sports channels. One more sports channel and I’m going to throw up! But get this; with a basic satellite package (Amer top 60) from Dish Network you get seven (7) sports channels. However, if you want the one History International channel you need to upgrade to the (Amer top 180) and how many sports channels do you get then? 44!

4. Reality TV. YOU DO KNOW that it’s totally scripted and hyped right and except for the name it has nothing to do with reality. What would really happen if you put a bunch of people on an island and told them to survive? They would form a community, establish a hierarchy, set rules and would probably never want to return to a society that has bills, mortgages, taxes, poor leadership, and an unquenchable thirst for getting over on ones neighbor (keeping up with the Joneses are we?). They would probably live very much like many of the Native Americans did before the Europeans invaded and for the most part wiped out the entire race. In other words they would be living a life most of us can only fantasize about.

5. Make it hard for the corporations to target you. It really is all about marketing and selling a gimmick. Don’t make it easy for them. Make them work for it.

Remember when it was called the “Boob Tube”?

Now, let me start by saying Nancy and I have been cable (satellite) free for over a year now and we love it! However it doesn’t mean that we don’t have a TV or a DVD player. We love watching Movies (through NetFlix*) and we especially like having control over what we watch. I know what your thinking “control” isn’t that what you have when you change the channel? Well yes and no. I think it’s safe to say that every single one of us human beings that has owned a television has made the remark of “X” number of channels and still nothing on to watch. I’ve done it, you’ve done it. Let’s face it, we’ve all done it! What I’m saying is that it is possible to unplug and still have the freedom to entertain your self with a good movie or show.

Being cable free actually gives you and interesting perspective on our society when you’ve gone without it for a wile. People (friends included) will continue to make remarks about a particular television show and you’ll need to remind them that you don’t have cable. I really like it when the customers at the bookstore I work at tell me the saw the book they wanted on this show and I reply “I don’t have TV”. They always say that’s great or good for you. It makes me feel like I’ve done something extraordinary!

My recommendation is for everyone to try it. Go ahead and unplug for a wile, come on give it a shot. You can do it can’t you? You have the strength right? It’s just a TV it’s not like trying to give up breathing…Is it?

*NetFlix is great! (When they don’t get stolen, damaged, lost, or sent back by the Post Office** because they couldn’t read the name on the P.O. Box).
**Post Office is great, unless it has anything to do with NetFlix.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

A promo picture for the manga I'm working on. The title is "G-LOK" Copyright 2005 Aaron Cole. Please do not copy without permission. enjoy!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The word of the day is Contemplation. It's also the name of this piece. Copyright Aaron Cole 2005. Please do not copy without permission.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Sunday after the rain.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Sack of rocks for $.99 at IKEA?

I myself have collected rocks since I was a kid from all over California, I have a dozen or so of these little creations and each of them is a memory for me. Nancy (the love of my life) and I have a nice little jar (please note: the jar is from IKEA not the rocks). The jar is about 1/3 the way full, leaving plenty of room for more rocks and more traveling. Now think about it for a moment. Each of the rocks we have in our possession is different and unique. Each one stands out from the others and it's this individuality that catches my attention and makes them special.

Perhaps it's the idea of "buying" a rock that puzzles me, I mean I can guess the obvious explanations for buying rocks (used to decorate a potted plant is a wonderful use for them) or is it (because we don't have or make the time to go out and find the free ones). I think what I'm really trying to get at is do we "buy" the rocks just because they seem like a really good deal and/or why don't we make the time to go and get the free ones?

Let me also say that I make no criticism of IKEA for selling rocks nor do I make any of the individual who chooses to purchases their rocks over finding them. I'm only offering an observation that I noted while shopping at IKEA.

In the End all I'm asking is...
A Sack of rocks for $.99 at IKEA?

comments welcomed.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Hello from Digitalcole

Just wanted to say hello and welcome.

More later