Thursday, December 13, 2007

Catistrophic Falure

I have some unfortunate news. Due to my computer crashing (C Drive imploded) ADGW will not be out this year. At this point I don't have an ETA. We're looking at a new computer and getting the tools on it. The good news is that the data for ADGW and the other LAG-Novels were on the a separate HD.

Thanks for the understanding and have a happy holiday.


Santa if your reading this, can I please have a new computer maxed out with RAM?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Nancy Kay Creations...and my own 2 cents

DON'T HAVE AN ANEURYSM BUT, I'm actually posting more that once this month! Scary isn't it?

I just wanted to let everyone know that Nancy has a new blog about her jewelry and from some of the responses she's received it sounds like she could have herself a nice little business in the not to distant future. I, myself, have also been inspired by her art work and was compelled to create some new pieces to complement some of her jewelry.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Back to work...

Hi everyone
The ADGW menu is up! Now back to work!


Sunday, October 28, 2007

More 3am art (with out the 3am)

Ya, I know I should be working on ADGW or even Turtles...yet here I am posting more of this crazy art work of mine...hahahhaahhaaha!

I call this one ...broken...


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hello from digitalcole!

Time for what has become a monthly update. We're still working on ADGW. We've hammered out the characters and have found people to fill their rolls. I'm still shooting for a December release date probably around Christmas.

hang in there...


Friday, September 07, 2007

Where are they now?

"a logo by Lukus Traverso"

Well just over a month from our last post and here I thought I'd keep on top of things, like filling your heads with all sorts of minute details about how are endeavors will be bearing fruit any moment a little

I'm putting together a menu for ADGW and we've shot some video as well. As for the story we're putting together a "pilot" that will introduce the characters and add some background. I know I'm jinxing this by writing it but, we're looking at a December release, that's still 07 right?...thanks for hanging in there.


Saturday, August 04, 2007

two months and nothing!...what is up!

"gun prop for ADGW"

I can't believe our last post was in June...Man where has the time gone. Let me see...we're still working on getting ADGW together, we've taken many photos and now we're working out the first part of the's looking like we'll be adding a lot more video to this project, we have so many cool ideas and we want to explore them all.

Robotech is going on the back burner for now, It just seems like the community is a little too angry for our taste but, we're not giving up. So Robotech fans have faith.

TMNT project...well, all we need to do is draw it...all I need to do that is get one hand free...a real challenge with a 7 month old running around...but, I'll see what I can do.

Yet another futile art sale is on the horizon. Yes I know I should have learned my lesson four or five times ago but, if we don't generate some extra cash the future is going should I say it...look very bleak.

Sorry for not posting, I'll work on really ;)


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Day Gone Wrong

...set in a "Post Apocalyptic" Earth we see how the few that are left live and die, a place where more often then not it's "kill or be killed". A dark prediction for the human race that has yet to come to terms with its own tumultuous destiny.

Watch the trailer.


Friday, June 08, 2007

Our first "fan" LAG-Novel is up and ready!

Hello all
I'm here to announce that the first portion of our Robotech Live Action Graphic (fan) Novel is up and ready for viewing. I'm hopping for it to be our first step towards taking an interesting and entertaining look into the Robotech universe...actually I just want a wikipedia entry form me and my cohorts...

thanks and enjoy

PS feel free to comment on the Robotech LAG-Novel blog. Thanks.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

A Day Gone Wrong "test menu"

Hi everyone!

Just thought I'd share with you one of the early "test" menu ideas for ADGW. This is not the finale menu just some shots cobbled together to get an idea.

Also Moonbug and I collaborated on a TMNT project for Fanime. It was a framed piece of the four turtles and Splinter...and it sold too!


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Now that I'm back at work...

Now that I'm back at work...

Things will probably be running even slower (i.e. how long has it been since my last post?). So...what are we doing? Still working on our Robotech fan project, I've started yet another fan project (TMNT) with a very good friend from my day job Andrea aka idea when that'll be up but I'll keep you posted. A Day Gone Wrong is our next major project and we're putting together props right now. I want to do something special with Chased/Chaser but, I need to wait till the camcorder comes back from the repair shop (don't ask...its a long story).

Till then enjoy this really cool pic from MT Tamalpais in the SF Bay Area...


Sunday, April 08, 2007

I don't want to go back...

 work that is. I'm about half way through my family leave for "the kid" and I've already decided that I don't want to go back to work. It's not that I don't love my job...actually sometimes I hate my job but, I do love the people I work with. It's just...if you had a choice between working and staying home and raising your child, wouldn't you be a fool not to choose to stay at home. This is all a moot point really...Nancy and I can't financially handle living on one income. Even if one of us were able to stay at home it'd probably be Nancy only because I make a higher income then her and I'm ok with that...I just think it should be mandatory for one parent to be available for the child at any given moment but, It should also be mandatory that it be financially possible for that to happen.

As for the art auction...I'm setting a record at being 0 for 4. May be I should start selling least I know they're demand (for the ATF/FBI I'm just kidding). Actually I told Nancy that "the kid" either needed to be a drug dealer or a CEO because these are the only two job professions left in the USA that have the potential for growth...everything else is either being shipped overseas or pays about as well as the jobs we both have which has put us on the verge of destitution.

Who knows, maybe I'll win the lottery...

thanks for ready my rant.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Chased Chaser part 13 is up and ready.

Believe it or not, I've update chased chaser...yes it's one day (and several months) late but, part 13's now up and ready. You'll notice a new menu and I'll probably be adding other things later on...but, for now, enjoy!


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Chased Chaser updated...this is no april fools joke.

Chased Chaser fans rejoice!

Yes you see it right. I've updated Chased Chaser. The first part of the update is already online, it's a new pic for digitalcole's main page and a menu to help make navigating easier. The second part of the update should (fingers crossed) be up tomorrow...yes a new page (part 13)!


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Time off for dad.

Now that Nancy's back at work it's my turn with the kid. To be honest I was a little apprehensive to be leaving work for such a long time (six weeks), I am grateful though that good old California has a paid time off program that fathers can take advantage of.

I think if more fathers spent "quality time" with their kids...hell if even one parent spent "quality time" with their kids...or should I say if we lived (USA) in a society that considered raising children to be parents utmost priority and gave them the necessary tools (figure out a way so that parents can afford to keep one person home with the child) then you'd see much better performance in schools and a less violent society. We'd also probably (I'm only guessing at this point) be a more likable people.

But, lets not let that get in the way of getting one over on each other...


More art up for sale!

Hi all
In my continued (hopeful) attempt at generating some extra income. I put some more art up for auction on ebay. I hope this auction goes better then the last three (didn't sell at all...not even the framed fairy that the starting bid was $1.oo!). Oh well, wish me luck...

PS. Did I mention that this print is signed by the artist?

If you love me you'll bid.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

G-LOK breaths again!

I've added the G-LOK manga to, check out the audio for an idea on where we're going with it.

...and for those chased/chaser I haven't given up. I'm actually working on a menu to make it easier to navigate and some basic maintenance to make the pages cleaner so please don't loose faith...yet...


Our blog has been relocated.

After doing some research Nancy as learned that its better to have the digitalcole blog attached to our domain then to keep it with the blogspot url. You should be redirected automatically but you should update your book marks just to be on the safe side.

I'll also be adding some new content to, it should go up tonight.


Monday, March 19, 2007

The Greed Stops Here!

This characters an oldie but goodie for me. He's from an online manga called G-LOK that I started a few years ago. Can you guess what his contention is? I'm contemplating turning it into a LAG-Novel some time down the road...


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Geek Fairy Sketch

After the inquiry by Sharon, I sketched out an idea for the Geek Fairy. So what do you think?


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

George Bailey is my middle name.

I imagine that just about every single person on this planet has seen It's a Wonderful Life. How could you not. Nancy and I don't even watch TV anymore (we gave it up a long time ago) but, I can tell you right here and now it'll be on at least once before Christmas...and why shouldn't it be, it's a great film. You could call it a film of hope. The character George Bailey starts out with a head full of ideas and dreams and just when he's about to fulfill them he's forced to sacrifice them for the sake of his family and for the sake of the town. He's actually shown sacrificing throughout most of the film till life finally dumps the big one on him and he decides to sacrifice the one last thing he has to give, his life. Well along come the angels to help show him what would have happened if he wasn't around to sacrifice for everyone. In the end George wants his miserable life back and gets it only to find all the people he sacrificed for help him out. Like I said its a great story, I always get teary eyed at the end...why because I need to be able to hope that something like that will happen to me someday. That the good deeds you do for others will come back to you .

Like George Bailey I had dreams of my own. I wanted to be a musician, I was even going to college as a music major and all the time my family told me don't be a musician do something more grounded, something that's stable. I have a good stable job now and I can tell you I am fucking miserable. But, lets not get ahead of ourselves. I didn't just get from being a music major to this. It was a gradual slide. It really started with my family imploding. My parents were evicted out of their house just as I had started college and I was lucky enough to be able to live with my grandmother and Aunt. They told me I could stay as long as I kept going to college and when I graduated I'd need to move out. Fine I said but, as soon as they found out I wanted to be a musician then the lectures started. You know, considering I was the only one of three brothers actually trying to get a degree (I had a job as well) I didn't think they'd balk too much about what I wanted to do so as long as I did something. That was not to be the case. I'll tell you now for any parent out there reading this. Your child needs your support! Even if it's not what you would do. If you cut them down for following their passion, it's not only inhuman...its demonic!

I continued my pursuits even though it wasn't popular at home and then my grandmother got really sick. At first my aunt was taking care of her but, then my grandmother had a stroke and she stopped sleeping at night (she was afraid she would die if she went to sleep) aunt stayed up with her. This went on for a little while until my aunt started going crazy (2hrs of sleep a night will do that to you, just ask any parents of a new born) I had quit my job by then and started staying up with her. I'll tell you its so painful to watch a person who was the glue that held the family together, this strong and wise woman go from that to basically an infant. I still remember her asking me every five minutes "I'm I ok?" That went on for a year and by that time I just stopped going to school. I just couldn't handle it emotionally. Well she passed away right about the time I started my new job and all I wanted to do was work and try and pay off the bills that I had racked up (I'm still paying them off). After a couple of years working I met Nancy (one of the few things that's gone right in my life). We wanted to build a life together and I was really interested in getting away from my family, so we moved away. That lasted a year...then I found out my aunt had cancer. Because of the deteriorated relationship of the family I was really worried what was going to happen to her so...Nancy and I moved back home (Nancy had a miscarriage shortly after) and we helped out as much as we could. Or should I say we tried, some people think totally and completely backwards and its really hard to make them see the light. But, we tried. Eventually my aunt lost her fight with cancer and I vowed that I was done watching people die, it's just too much. So we moved out again.

Now I'm saddled with dept no hope to pay it off, can't declare bankruptcy because our congress felt only corporations should have that privilege. We do have a new son (that and my step daughter are truly joys in my life) but, I'll never be able to pay for their schooling...hell we can't even afford day care and Nancy goes back to work in a couple of weeks. So how do we make that work? I'm selling my art on ebay but judging by the bids (0$ as of this date) someone's going to get a hell of a deal on that framed piece. When the car breaks down again (its done it once already) I wont have the money to fix it, unless we go with out eating. We've already sold a lot of our personal stuff just to pay there is no extra cash flow unless we can generate it ourselves...hence the art for sale. Hell Nancy's even going back to school (absolute insanity to do that while working a full time job and with a baby) just so we can defer her student loan payments.

So...the question I ask is where is my Clarence? Because if ever I needed one, I need one now. Or I would even settle for the town stopping by and dropping all their money on my kitchen table, that could happen too. In the end though I don't really want a hand out, although I think I'm desperate enough to take one at this point but, what I really want is chance at a better life and a better life for my family.

Just a chance thats all I want...

PS You may be asking why I'm writing all of this, the honest answer is...I don't know. Maybe its the sleep deprivation (a new born that screamed at the top of his lungs for three hours straight before going to sleep), maybe it's because of the fact that its 3:30 in the morning or maybe it's the headache that I've had on and off for the past three days...I really don't know.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Only because Nancy liked it...

I don't know if this falls into the category of 3am art because from a weird stand point it's not. But Nancy liked it so I thought I'd put it up anyway. The only name I can think up is the unglamorous "Fairy Butt". May be you-all could do better.


PS please check out my Fairy Auction on ebay...or better yet start bidding large sums of money on them...Thanks!

PSS as an amendment to the above PS, betting large sums of money is encouraged only if the bidder is willing (and or able) to pay that large some of money. Thanks!

let the auction begin!..

This is The Bat Fairy. It's the one framed piece.

This ones called Sun Burst Fariy. This one's not framed.

I'm also actioning off a print of the Dragon Fairy.

so with out further adieu, let the auctions begin!


Monday, March 05, 2007

preview of my auction...

Here's a preview of what I'm auctioning off...

This particular image is called Dragon Fairy, it's a print done on water color paper 90 lbs. and it measures 11"x 14.5". It's number 8 in a series of 100 and was completed in 03/2003. I made this one spacial for Nancy.

The other two going up for auction are:

Bat Fairy (this one is the original on mat board and it's framed)

Sunburst Fairy (this one is also the original in mat board and is NOT framed)

I'll post the pictures of these other two (with their information) when the auction starts.

Thanks and enjoy

Saturday, March 03, 2007

More "3am art"...

Here's some more "3am art". I call this one Rough 01. Also I'm going to be actioning off some of my old art pieces from my fairy collection. Some of them are framed, others are the art only. I'll post pics and links to the e-bay auctions as soon as they go up. So bring your wallets the next time your here and help provide my son with a future...just kidding...well kind of.


Sunday, February 11, 2007

3am art

I think I should call this 3am art because that's about when I come up with it.


My crazy!

I don't know, I really don't...

I also forgot to put the link in for Chased/Chaser page 12. Here it is.


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Chased/Chaser page 12 is up and with audio.

I hope you have your speakers turned on because Chased/Chaser now has audio added to it! I don't know if I'll have audio for all of them but...who knows? As for updating Chased/Chaser I may need to update every other week or so...on account of the brat taking up all of my time...(I know, he's not at least not yet...but, I have hope.) If you want to see pics of him check out my wifes blog.

enjoy and sorry for taking so long to get back to it.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Chased/Chaser will be continued next week...

Just an fyi, I'll have the next Chased/Chaser up next week. I plan on doing something a bit different so stay tuned. I'll also have a new schedule for it.

thanks for hanging in there.

Monday, January 29, 2007

TMNT anyone?

I know I should be working on Chased/Chaser but, I wanted to do something that was just a one shot process. So Here you go.

May be later we'll do a fan project...who knows?


Saturday, January 20, 2007

More sleepless nights...more art...

I'm calling this one "Cyber Being".


Thursday, January 18, 2007

A happy vacuum.

My wife took this fantastic photo...I colorized it. He takes up a lot of our time and its hard work but, he's worth every minute of it.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Things that happen when you don't sleep...

It's been a while, I my self have been practicing sleep deprivation...and I must say, it's much easer when you have a one month's kind of like an alarm clock that goes off every hour on the hour, with something like that you don't need to worry about accidentally falling asleep on the job. I've also noticed one other thing about sleep deprivation, you're imagination starts thinking up some crazy "SHIT" and with out further a dew...

This one's pretty tame just some sort of priestess worshiping...I think...

I'm calling this one "The Clown"

No I don't smoke crack...OK!


Well that's all folks...I'll try and get the next page of Chased/Chaser up soon...

Till then