Saturday, May 28, 2005

G-LOK page 6 is up!

The new page of G-LOK is up and ready for viewing. As always your comments are welcomed.


Saturday, May 21, 2005

My G-LOK manga is up!

Hello all.

My manga (titled G-LOK) is up and ready to read. Please feel free to comment on it, you can post your comments on this blog. I’m going to update it about once a week and I eventually plan to pitch it to Wirepop so please give me some useful feedback.

Thanks and enjoy!

PS Thank you Nancy for getting my site up!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Nancy Has A Blog Now!

The love of my life has now entered the blogging world.

Check out her blog.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

When did big business start getting its ideas from the Mob?

Maybe it’s just me but have you noticed an egregious movement towards subscription down loads for music. Yahoo is opening an online music store which will allow you to pay for and down load music that you’ll never be able to fully own. Not only do you have to pay a subscription cost you’ll also need to purchase the actual music itself which can range in price. Let me say again, you will never fully own the rights to this music that you’ve paid for!

This reminds me of those movies where the thugs come to the old guy’s store and say “You need to pay us to keep your store from getting damaged.” What they don’t say is if the poor old guy doesn’t pay the thugs will be the ones doing the damage.

What the consumer needs right now is a music store that sells you the music without charging a subscription fee and then allows you own the right to it FOREVER!

Right now I only know of a few sites that are actually taking the honest path.

Apples itunes
MusicMatch’s store through Dell
Wal Mart (as much as I loathe their other business practices)

Here’s a question. What happens if that business goes OUT OF BUSINESS, are the consumers who have to pay this monthly extortion bill just “SOL”?

How about another question? Does the Artist receive any portion of the subscription fees? If they don’t than I really think ASCAP should get involved.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Join the twits!

If you're a fan of the old Screen Savers, than check out this site. This is the future of the Web!

This Week In Tech

Thursday, May 05, 2005

This one is kinda funny...

Nancy found this blog using the Firefox browser and an extension called Stumble Upon . It's really funning and kind of gross, but funny-gross...oh just read it!

The Sneeze

Oh by the way Firefox rules!