Sunday, April 03, 2005

Sack of rocks for $.99 at IKEA?

I myself have collected rocks since I was a kid from all over California, I have a dozen or so of these little creations and each of them is a memory for me. Nancy (the love of my life) and I have a nice little jar (please note: the jar is from IKEA not the rocks). The jar is about 1/3 the way full, leaving plenty of room for more rocks and more traveling. Now think about it for a moment. Each of the rocks we have in our possession is different and unique. Each one stands out from the others and it's this individuality that catches my attention and makes them special.

Perhaps it's the idea of "buying" a rock that puzzles me, I mean I can guess the obvious explanations for buying rocks (used to decorate a potted plant is a wonderful use for them) or is it (because we don't have or make the time to go out and find the free ones). I think what I'm really trying to get at is do we "buy" the rocks just because they seem like a really good deal and/or why don't we make the time to go and get the free ones?

Let me also say that I make no criticism of IKEA for selling rocks nor do I make any of the individual who chooses to purchases their rocks over finding them. I'm only offering an observation that I noted while shopping at IKEA.

In the End all I'm asking is...
A Sack of rocks for $.99 at IKEA?

comments welcomed.

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