Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Site

Now that I'm out of work, I've found the time to work on the site. I'm in the process of moving over to squarespace and have detached this blog so that it's still accessible to the views. I hope (fingers crossed) that I can get the new site up with the next couple of days and I'll have some new content up as well! As for the older stuff it's going on vacation until I can decide what to do with it. Right now the focus will be on G-LOK and depending on how long I'm unemployed maybe ADGW. But for now I'm just trying to get the site working on the new account.


Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Originally uploaded by aaron@digitalcole

I took this a couple days after Christmas. It's a surreal experience to see how empty this lot is and to think that it was packed full only days ago. It was so quiet, it became a little unnerving. It also made me think of how much we've become conditioned to mass consumerism.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Here comes 2010!

Well, I have to say that 2009 was a bit of a roller coaster ride that eventually ended with both my wife and me losing our jobs, hers at B&N and me at Borders Express. Mine was expected and planed for over a year ago. My wife on the other hand...well, we didn't see that one coming. So we're both about to get the "state sponsored vacation" and to be honist I think we're both ready for a break from retail and in need of a vacation (we're thinking Monterey). After that, who knows?

Things I'd like to do in 2010:

Get back into the web comics on this site that have been languishing for errr...several years. (I may have time now).

Switch over to Squarespace.

Write some music.

Get the oil leak, windshield, shocks/struts, rear tires and basic tune up on the car fixed...there goes the severance.

I have some craft stuff laying around and I was thinking of building a model robot out of them.

Continue playing Guild Wars (our guild is called FAIL/Fighters Against Invid Legion) come join us!

Get rid of the multiple boxes of paperwork that need to be shredded.

Read some books (get an e-reader).

...and contribute in some meaningful way to the web.

And at some point get another job hopefully doing something that not only makes me happy but, doesn't make me feel like some tool that's going to get used and then thrown away.

-adc- digitalcole

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year from Guild Wars

Happy New Year from Guild Wars
Originally uploaded by aaron@digitalcole

We're geeks, and yes we were playing at midnight calibrating in the game.