Friday, June 10, 2005


You can watch your stupid reality shows and news shows that lie and hide the truth some other time, this is more important!

Republicans and Democrats are the same thing and nether one has your “the average American citizen’s” or what I like to call the “Lowly 99’s” interest at heart. Doubt this; we couldn’t have become a police state without their help.

If you want your freedom back the only way you’re going to get it is to vote independent.

Vote Green
Vote Libertarian
Vote American Independent

2006 is just around the corner and we “the people” need to take congress back!

I know what some of you are saying…Republicans and Democrats have too much power (it helps that big business contributes to both parties). My answer to that is easy…


If you want real news go to the web. Plus the web levels the playing field and negates the huge money advantage those two fake parties have over the independents.

The choice is ours, we can choose to take our freedom back or we can choose to be treated and tagged (National ID Card and RF ID) like cattle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've heard that the average american is bombarded by 2,000+ advertisements/commercials PER DAY. That includes what you see on t.v., billboards, posters--everywhere practically. It's not hard to imagine the grand scheme here which seems something like this: The 2% of the worlds popuation that run the show make us actually *BELIEVE* their crap (propaganda, brainwashing.. call it what you want) so that they can actually create every political, economical WHATEVER climate they want and profit from it--from us. all because the majority *believe* in what they're doing. they *believe* in the American Dream that the 2% defined for us all.